How to make a Fresh Start for 2024

With 2024 right around the corner, don’t forget to take this time and prepare for the New Year. This is the perfect opportunity to create goals, set new habits, or even
change your lifestyle. Here are some of the top ways we like to wipe the slate clean and start fresh each year!

Make self care a *priority*

Self care looks different for everyone, for me, it’s a quiet shower, time to read or getting my nails done! Whether you enjoy spa treatments or a strenuous workout for
self care, it’s so important to make sure you give yourself time to reset. I’ve found that scheduling self care activities helps me commit to following through on actually
doing them.

Create a healthier lifestyle

Being a busy working mom of two, I often put off important appointments for myself and family meal planning. Not only does this cause more stress at each meal time,
but it also isn’t doing me any favors for my health. Prioritizing health can mean so many different things depending on what you value. In 2024, I’m hoping to plan our
meals in advance so that we not only save money on groceries, but also have a more balanced diet.
Some great ideas to create a healthier lifestyle include:

  • Committing to drinking more water daily
  • Lowering sugar intake
  • Going on daily walks
  • Schedule all routine appointments in advance (health screenings, dentist
    cleanings, vision screenings, etc)
  • Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night

Declutter and clean

It’ so easy to get caught up in constantly buying “stuff” you don’t need or holding onto those few things you may need “one day”. Starting a new year is a great time to
commit to keeping a less cluttered home. Having less things to put away and constantly clean can help your mental state immensely. This can be super
overwhelming to begin but if you attack one room at a time with a donate and throw away pile, you’ll feel so much lighter going into the new year!


About the author:

Brittany has been a PCS Mentor  with Milhousing Network for over 2 years, and loves being able to help other military families! Her husband is active duty in the Army, and their family recently purchased their first home in Maryland. Their first duty station was in San Antonio, and she loves the city!