Are you starting to feel that warm sun? Do you hear the birds chirping? Are you noticing the flowers poking through the soil? Soon spring will be here! It is a time to enjoy the milder temperatures, celebrate the longer days of the season and soak up some good old vitamin D! It’s also a time you may notice people’s moods are lighter and the windows can be opened to let that fresh air in.
Speaking of windows, spring is also a great time to freshen up and cleans! As a military family, we try to declutter as often as possible, with upcoming PCS and tidiness always kept in mind. I find myself jumping at any opportunity to organize and declutter. Purging the extras will leave your space feeling lighter and easier to clean with less clutter. Taking the time to partake in this annual deep cleaning to freshen things up can give you a sense of accomplishment, a more peaceful mood, a deeper sense of focus and improved home safety. It’s a wonderful way to give your home a fresh start and leaves you ready to tackle the new season.

Brighten your Decor
Swapping out the warm colors of fall and winter, to the brighter tones of spring works wonders to lighten the space in your home. Try some pastels or even some bright colors to bring contrast around your home. You’ll be surprised how much “happier” your room will feel and how others respond to the changes.
Change out Window Treatments
A signal spring has arrived is that first time you can open the windows! We love keeping our windows open and letting the fresh air in, so we even switch out our curtains. We either opt for a nice sheer curtain to allow the light to shine through but still give us a bit of privacy, or for naked windows, to take advantage of the natural lighting and beauty of the outdoors. This always encourages me to get some fresh new plants, or relocate my existing collection to enjoy the newly found sunshine. Taking the time to switch things up will allow your family to appreciate the special touches and feel the freshness! Put some fresh flowers on the countertop or table, and enjoy bringing more beauty inside. I’m a big fan of Trader Joe’s fresh assortment bouquets!
Update Outdoor Spaces
Don’t forget your outdoor spaces; find a special welcome mat that reflects your vibe, stop at the local nursery and make it a family affair to plant some fresh and vibrant flowers. Give your patio furniture a nice cleaning and take advantage of the outdoor space and broaden your home’s living space.
In closing, take the time when you can to enhance your family’s space, whether by decluttering, cleaning and/or switching out some of your accessories. I know when I make the effort, it really does improve my mood, my family appreciates it, and it starts spring on a happy positive note. Enjoy!
About The Author:
Brittany has been a PCS Mentor with Milhousing Network for over 2 years, and loves being able to help other military families! Her husband is active duty in the Army, and their family recently purchased their first home in Maryland. Their first duty station was in San Antonio, and she loves the city!