Flood Insurance: Do you need it?


Flood insurance may be something you think you only need if you are in a high flood area, but the fact is that 40% of National Flood Insurance Program claims occur outside of high-risk flood areas. You also may mistakenly think you have coverage in your regular homeowner’s policy; however, most traditional home insurance policies do not include flood insurance. The last thing you need is to find out that you don’t have coverage when you are up to your knees in water. Here are a few reasons why people don’t get flood insurance and why those reasons might not be good enough.


“I don’t own my home.”

If you are a renter or live in privatized housing, you can get flood insurance coverage for your belongings. There is renter’s flood insurance you can buy just to cover your household goods.


“It’s not likely to flood where I live.”

Odds can be fun at poker, but the stakes are higher when it’s your home on the line, especially if you are in a low-risk zone. There are many situations that can cause flooding in your home, even if you do not live in a high-risk flood zone. Whether you live on a hill, next to a river, or in a valley, every home is at risk of flood damage. 


“I have storm coverage.”

You may think that water damage from a storm would be covered under home insurance. This can be true, however once water from a storm hits the ground and enters your home, it is considered flood damage. This damage would not be covered under your regular home insurance policy. 


“What do I need flood insurance for? We have disaster relief!”

Perhaps you think that you don’t need flood insurance because FEMA or disaster relief will come in and be able to support you after, but that can take months to happen. Disaster relief money will only provide for the basic needs of a home and the amount you could possibly get will depend on current program funding levels. Disaster relief might be a safety net that can help you recover, but it’s not a solution to having thousands of dollars in damage done to your home and personal property.


“What will a little water harm?”

You may be thinking that it’s not that big of a deal or that you’ll be able to cover whatever you need to, but even a little bit of water can lead to long-lasting damage like mold or mildew that can not only destroy your home, but also your personal belongings as well.


“If a storm is coming, I can buy insurance then.”

Many people think they can wait to purchase flood insurance so they can see how the storm season will go. Unfortunately, most flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period before they become active. Many have found out the hard way that waiting for storm clouds to appear before they purchase protection can be a gamble that is not worth taking. 


Flood insurance gives you peace of mind and protects your home and personal items. With floods and natural disasters affecting more and more people, it is wise to take the time to ensure you will be protected in case of an emergency. Head to Armed Forces Insurance to talk to an agent to see if flood insurance is a good choice for you and your family. Navigating flood damage is hard enough without figuring out how you’ll recover and pay for it, so talk to an agent today.


This article is sponsored by Armed Forces Insurance. Since 1887, Armed Forces Insurance (AFI) has existed with a single, unwavering purpose: To protect the people who protect our nation. So for more than 136 years, we’ve provided military homeowner insurance, military renter insurance, military auto insurance and much more to our members. Let AFI’s dedicated agents shop our network of national carriers to find the best value and options to fit your needs.


Written by Aj Smit

Aj Smit is the author of the book Red Thread: Weaving an Embodied Life of Joy, speaker, glitter enthusiast, and professional weaver of Joy. She is a military spouse in S. Korea with a pup and houseplants galore. Aj has led various Red Tents, retreats, and workshops internationally over the last ten years to help others discover how to weave creativity and curiosity into their lives. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram at @TheJoyWeaver and TheJoyWeaver.com